Thomas Markle once again publicly criticized the behavior of Meghan and Prince Harry. This time, he appreciated the fact that the prince and the duchess ignored the memorial service for Prince Philip held just over a week ago. This was reported by Express.co.uk.
Meghan’s father expressed his outrage that not only did they not bother to fly from California to Britain, but they didn’t even make any “apologetic” statement about it. Thomas noted that for Queen Elizabeth, who is still mourning her husband Philip, who passed away last April, it was very important to honor his memory. All the more so because last year’s funeral itself was shortened and simplified because of the pandemic.
“The fact that Meghan and Harry didn’t show up for the ceremony was actually a slap in the face to the queen. But it offended not only her but all Brits!”
– Markle said in his YouTube interview. He added that he does not know the real reasons that made Meghan and Harry refuse to participate in the ritual. However, whatever they were, Thomas considers their behavior inexcusable.
Recall that more than 2,000 people attended the memorial service at Westminster Abbey on Monday of last week. Among them were about 30 royalty from all over Europe. As for Meghan and Harry, they apparently decided that since they still had not received royal class security as they had previously demanded, they had the right not to come to Britain. Harry stated that in the absence of such security, such an arrival would have been “too dangerous.” However, what made him suddenly come to this conclusion – is unclear. After all, last year he flew twice to London – to the funeral of his grandfather Philip and for the second time in the summer – for the unveiling of the monument to Princess Diana. And both times his visits went quite smoothly, without any incidents or attempts.