Australian actor Chris Hemsworth made a statement that saddened his fans. According to Us magazine, as a result of a medical examination that 39-year-old Chris recently underwent, it turned out that he has a genetic predisposition to Alzheimer’s disease.
This was established in the process of genetic tests done for the show National Geographic, which stars Hemsworth. As a result, the celebrity was unexpectedly found to have two very “unpleasant” APOE4 genes, which were passed on to him by his parents. He got one from his father, and the other from his mother. This gene contributes to the development of Alzheimer’s disease and cardiovascular diseases. By the way, the presence of two of these genes in one person is very rare and occurs in one in several thousand people. And this increases Hemsworth’s risk of getting Alzheimer’s by almost 10 times compared to other people.
However, Chris was able to find something positive in what he learned about his health. As the actor explained, now he knows that he needs to constantly deal with the prevention of this disease. According to the star, from now on he will pay increased attention to the quality of sleep, stress management, nutrition, and, of course, sports. In addition, Hemsworth admitted that he plans to be more selective in the projects he agrees to. Chris, whose two brothers are also known to star in films, said:
“Now, if something will distract me from my family and children, let it be something positive and creative.”
Recall that the actor has been married to actress Elsa Pataky for more than 10 years. The couple has three children: 10-year-old India and 8-year-old twins Sasha and Tristan.

Note that the family life of the star was not always cloudless. However, despite the fact that Elsa at one time was desperately jealous of her husband for his shooting partner in the Thor franchise — Natalie Portman, and also suspected him of other intrigues, now harmony reigns in their family again.