Hugh Jackman commented on steroid abuse allegations

Hugh Jackman commented on steroid abuse allegations 1

Hugh Jackman, 54, has finally responded to the many rumors that he “pumps up” his muscles by taking steroids. The star has had to endure gossip on the subject for over 20 years! They began when he first played the legendary Wolverine in the famous X-Men franchise – in 2000. Now, however, Hugh has decided to put an end to the subject and is honest about how things really are.

During a recent show “Who’s talking”, the actor admitted that his impressive Wolverine looks, which may be the envy of a professional bodybuilder, have nothing to do with taking steroids. It was reported by the Australian edition of Now.

When asked directly by the host of the show Chris Wallace, Hugh said that the accusations against him are groundless, and he “got into shape the old-fashioned way. The actor also explained that the main reason for his refusal to take drugs to get in shape is that he does not like the side effects of taking such drugs, of which he is well aware. The “X-Men” star had in mind the destructive effect of steroids on internal organs and all body systems. But Jackman has another very good reason not to overload his body with unnecessary drugs.

The fact that Hugh many years ago, doctors discovered skin cancer, and since then he has experienced several relapses. So he had to go through many cycles of chemotherapy, which inevitably weakened his health.

As for the secret of his “old-fashioned” way to get in shape, Jackman announced that he built muscle by eating “a lot of chicken”. After admitting this, the actor found it necessary to apologize for his words to all vegetarians and vegans. Fans appreciated the sense of humor of their star. After all, it is clear that the “chicken diet” alone can not achieve such a result. And if you do without the help of steroids, you need to work at the gym for many hours a day.

Note that recently, fans of the actor learned the news that made them happy. In the next six months, after working in the Broadway show “The Music Man”, the star will return to the role of Wolverine. In connection with this, Hugh, by his own admission, is going to train hard again for the next six months. And, of course, once again follow the diet. Although in fact, the actor’s form is now the envy of many.

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