Donald Trump’s demand to revoke ABC’s broadcasting license after the debates with Harris was rejected

Donald Trump's demand to revoke ABC's broadcasting license after the debates with Harris was rejected 1

The head of the Federal Communications Commission rejected Donald Trump’s demand to revoke ABC’s license due to the behavior of its moderators during the debates with Kamala Harris.

This statement was made following the September 10th debates, where the Republican candidate accused the network of bias, reports The Daily Best.

In an interview with Fox & Friends, Trump claimed he was constantly corrected, while Harris allegedly wasn’t fact-checked. He called the incident a “rigged deal” and suggested stripping ABC of its broadcasting rights.

Senators Ed Markey and Ron Wyden wrote to FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel, urging her to condemn this proposal. In her response, Rosenworcel emphasized that freedom of speech is the foundation of American democracy and that the commission does not revoke licenses based on a candidate’s disagreement with the content or its presentation.

She also reminded that the licensing of broadcast stations is carried out strictly following the Constitution and the law, without any exceptions.

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