‘Dictator in Heels’: What Meghan Markle’s Staff Say About Her

'Dictator in Heels': What Meghan Markle's Staff Say About Her 1
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The Hollywood Reporter (THR) published an article listing several former staff members who resigned while working for Meghan Markle. According to the publication, some former employees refer to themselves as the “Sussex Survivors Club.”

THR cites anonymous sources who claim that the Duchess of Sussex treated people working for her poorly. The article noted that the current representative for Prince Harry and his wife declined to comment.

“Everyone is terrified of Meghan. She belittles people and doesn’t listen to advice. Both of them (Prince Harry included) make poor decisions,” THR quotes an insider, who also described Prince Harry as a charming person who indulges his wife.

The magazine claims that in 2018, the Palace investigated due to the alleged “bullying” behavior of Meghan Markle towards staff. The investigation results were not published, and Meghan Markle called the incident defamatory.

THR writes that some employees of Prince Harry and his wife do not hide their negative attitude toward Markle. Allegedly, because of her outbursts of anger and dissatisfied emails at five in the morning, she is referred to as the “difficult Duchess.”

“She is relentless. She walks around the house like a dictator in high heels, giving orders. I’ve seen her bring grown men to tears,” THR quotes a source.

The magazine noted that this portrayal contrasts with the kinder, softer image that Meghan Markle herself projects. Recently, she has become a fan of Brené Brown, who writes self-help books on the importance of gratitude and joy.

Additionally, in a recent episode of her podcast Archetypes, Meghan Markle talked about dealing with her inherent reticence. She mentioned that she feels self-conscious when her voice rises and her tone becomes questioning.

At the same time, the Duchess of Sussex added that everyone has the right to set personal boundaries and to express their thoughts clearly, which, in her opinion, does not make a person demanding or difficult.

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